Friday, October 31, 2008

Mister Waffles on Education

School is a very strange idea, I think. It is like a job you pay to attend. I hear my lady people talking all the time about how expensive their school was and how they will be paying for their school until they are very, very old. They went to a very special school called The Boston Conservatory of Ass. I believe a conservatory is a special school for Thieves because The Boston Conservatory of Ass stole all of my lady people's money. I think I would like to attend this school because then I could wear a thief costume. I would wear a bandana tied around my neck and a black mask and then I would sneak into the school vault and steal back all of my people's money. And I would eat a lot before and would leave in place of the money paper bags filled with my own poop. And then, using matches hidden in my poofy fur, I would light the bags on fire and the whole school would burn to the ground and the ashes would smell like the ass the school conserved.

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